Tutor: Dr. Matteo Ceriotti
Computing and communicating devices become smaller and smaller; they moved from desks to everybody’s pocket; ultimately, they become embedded in the environment that surrounds our everyday life. This vision has been addressed under different names, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) being one of them. As this happens, we become capable of monitoring in real-time the evolution of complex physical phenomena, as well as observing and controlling composite industrial processes. We can also instrument objects and scenarios to understand the current situation and smartly react to it. Unfortunately, the complexity of these systems, the limited visibility in system behaviour and the constrained available resources make the design and realisation of reliable systems challenging.
This seminar aims at familiarizing students with important research topics in this field. The covered topics include, among others, routing, localization, sensing, communication, simulation, modelling, programming abstractions, applications and systems of low-power wireless embedded networks. Participants will have to do a literature research and they will have to create a high quality written report. Furthermore, they will have to give an oral presentation of their topics.
This seminar is suitable for students at the bachelor and master level. However, it cannot be chosen by master AI-SE students. This seminar is given in English. Please also note that the maximum number of participants is limited. If you have questions regarding this seminar, please send an email to matteo.ceriotti@uni-due.de.
Entry in LSF: Seminar
Entry in Moodle: Seminar
The kickoff meeting for this seminar will take place on Thursday, 12.04.2018 between 13.00h and 14.00h in Room S-A 126. This date is still tentative, please check this information for updates or send an email to matteo.ceriotti@uni-due.de to be notified about changes. Participation in this meeting is mandatory.