Name | Sayedsepehr Mosavat |
Position | Researcher |
Phone | +49-201-183-2427 |
Fax | +49-201-183-4176 | | |
Address | Schützenbahn 70 Building SA 45127 Essen |
Room | SA-120 |

Research Interests
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Intermittent Computing
- Since 01.2020 University of Duisburg-Essen, Research Assistant (Networked Embedded Systems, NES)
- 06.2019 – 10.2019 BLE-Solutions GmbH., Embedded-Software Developer
- 07.2018 – 03.2019 Haus der Technik e. V., Working Student
- 10.2016 – 06.2018 NectOne UG, Working Student (Product Development)
- Since 01.2020 PhD Student, Computer Science – University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- 2019 Master of Science, Embedded Systems Engineering – University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- 2015 Bachelor of Science, Computer Hardware Engineering – Isfahan University of Technology, Iran
2024 |
Johannes Göpfert, Sayedsepehr Mosavat, David Glomsda, Kamil Kaznowski, Pedro José Marrón, Bernd-Christian Renner, Matteo Zella: Competition: Work Smarter, not Harder: Towards a Sustainable IoT. In: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), 2024. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links)@inproceedings{nokey, Batteryless devices offer remarkable opportunities for attaining the vision of a large-scale yet sustainable Internet of Things. However, their stringent energy budget also introduces challenges that must be addressed before such devices can be utilized effectively. Energy-efficient, intermittence-aware operation is one of such challenges. In this work, we present an approach to tackle this issue in the context of executing a proof-of-work algorithm on a low-power computation core. Our proposed techniques significantly improve the computation efficiency even in the face of frequent and unpredictable power loss events, a characteristic of batteryless, intermittently operating devices. |
2023 |
Sayedsepehr Mosavat, Matteo Zella, Marcus Handte, Alexander Julian Golkowski, Pedro José Marrón: Experience: ARISTOTLE: wAke-up ReceIver-based, STar tOpology baTteryLEss sensor network. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, ACM Digital Library, 2023, ISBN: 979-8-4007-0118-4. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links)@inproceedings{mosavat2023experience, A truly ubiquitous, planet-wide Internet of Things requires ultra-low-power, long-lasting sensor nodes at its core so that it can be practically utilized in real-world scenarios without prohibitively high maintenance efforts. Recent advances in energy harvesting and low-power electronics have provided a solid foundation for the design of such sensor nodes. However, the issue of reliable two-way communication among such devices is still an active research undertaking due to the high energy footprint of traditional wireless transceivers. Although approaches such as radio duty cycling have proved beneficial for reducing the overall energy consumption of wireless sensor nodes, they come with trade-offs such as increased communication latency and complex protocols. To address these limitations, we propose ARISTOTLE, an ultra-low-power, wake-up receiver-based sensor node design employing a star network topology. We have deployed ARISTOTLE in two different venues for carrying out the task of weather data collection. In addition to reporting the results of the two deployments, we also evaluate several performance aspects of our proposed solution. ARISTOTLE has a mean power consumption of 236.67 uW while it is in sleep mode and monitoring the radio channel for incoming wake-up signals. Utilizing various sizes of supercapacitors, ARISTOTLE was able to reach system availabilities between 47.83% and 97.36% during our real-world deployments. |
Sayedsepehr Mosavat, Pedro José Marrón, Matteo Zella: EPICURUS: Energy Provlsioning for the start-up proCedUre of batteRyless, wake-Up receiver-enabled Sensors. In: ENSsys' 23: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems, pp. 58-64, ACM, 2023, ISBN: 979-8-4007-0438-3/23/11. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links)@inproceedings{nokey, Batteryless, energy-harvesting sensing devices offer considerable advantages for large-scale, long-term applications since they substantially reduce the maintenance efforts of the underlying equipment. However, the stringent energy budget of such devices leads to them often operating intermittently for a short period before running out of energy and needing to recharge the energy buffer for the next operation cycle. This short operation cycle can become too restrictive when employing peripherals with a relatively long and energy-intensive start-up routine. Therefore, energy management subsystems that can assist the start-up of such peripherals by reducing the imposed energy overhead can significantly increase the efficiency of the entire batteryless device. In this work, we propose EPICURUS, an energy management subsystem that aims to keep a wake-up receiver powered during short power losses of a batteryless device and, therefore, reduce the energy impact of the start-up procedure of the receiver on the rest of an intermittently powered sensor node. Our evaluation shows that EPICURUS reduced the median time and energy required for the initialization of the WuR after short power losses by a factor of approximately 72.12 and 72.36%, respectively. As a result of the more efficient utilization of the harvested energy by the sensor node, it could carry out a sample application by about 26.37 percentage points longer than the baseline while operating intermittently. |
2022 |
Sayedsepehr Mosavat, Pedram Golkar, Matteo Zella, Pedro José Marrón: PROGNOES: Prediction of haRvestable sOlar enerGy based on suN irradiatiOn and wEather conditionS. In: Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys ’22), ACM Digital Library, 2022, ISBN: 978-1-4503-9886-2/22/11. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links)@inproceedings{mosavat2022prognoes, Energy harvesting, batteryless devices can mitigate many shortcomings of battery-operated devices in the coming years, particularly in the area of the Internet of Things. Solar energy is an accessible and effective source of power for such devices. However, the uncontrollable nature of solar energy makes the task of designing and evaluating energy harvesting devices a challenging one. In this work, we propose PROGNOES, a tool that allows the user to forecast the harvestable solar energy by a particular solar cell at a specific time and location. To carry out the forecasts, various algorithms and models are used not only to provide the theoretical solar irradiation but also to provide the weather condition data corresponding to the time and location of the forecasting. PROGNOES can generate forecasts in the form of IV curves, similar to those generated by physical solar cells. Such IV curves can then be emulated with suitable tools to provide energy traces to the energy harvesting devices at design time, therefore facilitating the task of designing robust, reliable energy harvesting, batteryless devices. In our experiments, we find that the energy forecasts carried out by PROGNOES can reach a mean absolute error of 7.16 mW. |
2021 |
Sayedsepehr Mosavat, Matteo Zella, Pedro José Marrón: Demo: SOCRAETES: SOlar Cells Recorded And EmulaTed EaSily. In: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), pp. 183-184, ACM Digital Library, 2021, ISBN: 978-0-9949886-5-2, (Best Video Award for the Posters and Demos Track). (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links)@inproceedings{mosavat2021socraetes, We propose SOCRAETES, a simple to replicate tool used for recording and emulation of energy harvesting environments. SOCRAETES aims at aiding with repeatable experimentations during the design and evaluation of energy harvesting devices. The tool is particularly designed with the goal of avoiding complex hardware circuitry. This will allow researchers and hobbyists with little prior experience in electronics to replicate the work, and by doing so benefit from the insights such a tool provides for the design and evaluation of energy harvesting systems. The current implementation of SOCRAETES can measure and emulate solar cell voltages and currents in the range of 0-6.5 V and 0.5-55 mA, respectively. Moreover, the range of measurement and emulation can be modified for specific energy environments and harvesters by utilizing different passive components. This will, in turn, result in higher overall achievable accuracy. |