Name | Elke Schulte-Lippern |
Position | Office Managerin |
Phone | +49 177 7489768 |
Fax | +49-201-183-4176 | | |
Address | Schützenbahn 70 Building SA 45127 Essen |
Room | SA-124 |
Office hours | Tue - Thu 9:00-18:00 Mon & Fri 9:00-15:00 |

Task Areas
- Budget management of the department
- Staff management of the department
- Supply management of the department
- Administrative and financial coordination and management of projects,
- Management of legal issues of Projects
- Head of administrative and financial tasks of UBICITEC e.V.
- Public relations and corporate design of the Network Embedded Systems Group
- Organization and lead through of events
- Organization of the department office
- Safety officer (Sicherheitsbeauftragte)
- First aider (Ersthelfer)
- Spokeswoman of U-N-S (Sprecherin UDE Netzwerk Sekretariate)
- Equal opportunities officer for the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Fak. Wirtschaftswissenschaften)
- Member of the Equality Commission (Mitglied der Gleichstellungskommission)
Projects coordinated by NES and funded by the EU
- CONET (Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence)
- PLANET (Platform for the Deployment and Operation of Heterogeneous Networked Cooperating Objects )
- GAMBAS (Generic Adaptive Middleware for Behavior-driven Autonomous Services)
Projects as projectpartner funded by the EU
- PECES (Pervasive Computing in Embedded Systems)
- NOBEL (Neighbourhood Oriented Brokerage ELectricity and monitoring system)
- EC-SAFEMOBIL (Estimation and Control for Safe Wireless High Mobility Cooperative Industrial Systems)
- SMARTKYE (Smart Grid Key Neighborhood Indicator Cockpit)
- BESOS (Building Energy decision Support systems fOr Smart cities)
- InWaterSense
National projects
- WebDA (Web-based Services for Elderly People and their Families)
- Living++
- SEVERE (Self-healing Networked Embedded Systems)
- InnaMoRuhr
Research Institutions
- UBICITEC e.V. (The European Center for Ubiquitous Technologies and Smart Cities)