Smart Grid Key Neighborhood Indicator Cockpit

The strategic goal of the SmartKYE project is to develop a system for the future smart grid neighbourhood that will enable better business decisions to be made based on real-time fine-grained data. Key end-users targeted are the public authorities who can monitor and manage key indicators in neighbourhoods with the goal of better energy efficiency and CO2 reduction.

Future Smart Cities will rely upon their districts/neighbourhoods to be monitored and managed efficiently in the smart grid era. However the various neighbourhoods might significantly differ from each other and follow their own goals. The infrastructure on the districts is expected to be highly heterogeneous, e.g. with public lighting system, urban heating system, public buildings, commercial centres, electric vehicles, micro-generation, residential prosumers etc.

There is a need for tools to enable the monitoring of Key Performance Indicators at district-wide level, being able to assess the behaviour of the Energy Infrastructure deployed in the neighbourhoods based on real-time analytics and take the necessary business decisions.

SMARTKYE Architecture

SMARTKYE High Level Overview

Different Energy Management System (EMS) will be able to share data and services through a new Open Energy Service Platform developed in the project. Stakeholders as Distribution System Operators, domestic users, Energy Service Companies and public authorities will be able to access and interface the existing infrastructure in neighbourhoods, not only to analyse in real-time the data from such systems but also to implement common strategies enforcing energy efficiency.

The SmartKYE solution aims at gluing the different EMS together via the Open Energy Service Platform. Data will be acquired from all stakeholders, processed in the platform based on business related rules and communicated to the SmartKYE Cockpits. There, real-time analytics will be done and results will be considered by a Decision Support System for business and Monitoring and Control related aspects. Additionally a cockpit will provide visualization of key indicators for the neighbourhood assisting further in understanding the key aspects of the city as well as easing the decisions.


NameSmart Grid Key Neighborhood Indicator Cockpit
Duration31.10.2012 - 31.03.2015
FundingEuropean Comission, FP7
ContactRobert Sauter