Feasibility Study: ATMo2 – Incentive-based Transformation and Modeling of Mobility Behavior
In order to meet the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement and limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius, the transport sector is the most important lever for decarbonization: This particularly includes a reduction in motorized individual transport.
ATMo2 Goal
The ATMo2 project aims at performing interdisciplinary research into incentive-based modeling and transformation of mobility behavior, especially in order to transform everyday mobility routines and practices, to look at them from a new perspective and to enable new experiences with alternative, intermodal means of transport. The technical basis for this is a mobile application, which records the mobility behavior of users and evaluates it using scientifically based sustainability scoring. This application will be developed in a modular manner in order to enable the integration of individual components into other contexts. The scientific basis is provided by a model of mobility behavior that is anchored in sociology and economics and is able not only to explain individual mobility behavior, but also to identify starting points for behavioral changes, e.g. through incentives (“nudging”). From a scientific perspective, ATMo2 examines how the incentives affect the willingness to change mobility behavior and which incentive mechanisms (e.g. successes, rankings with peer groups, etc.) can be used to ensure the sustainability of people’s mobility choices.
Study Goal
The feasibility study for ATMo2 performs the necessary ground work to maximize the impact of the ATMo2 project and to ensure a successful project execution. Towards this end, the project partners will systematically address the relevant scientific, organizational and technical factors. From a scientific perspective, the feasibility study analyzes and prioritizes different incentive schemes. From an organizational perspective, the study identifies key partners and establishes a strong collaboration network. From a technical perspective, the feasibility study creates an initial system architecture that is closely aligned with the work at Mobidrome.NRW and Regionalverband Rhein-Ruhr.
Name | Machbarkeitsstudie zum Vorhaben ATMo2 (Anreizbasierte Transformation und Modellierung des Mobilitätsverhaltens) |
Acronym | ATMo2 |
Duration | 28.08.2023 - 28.02.2024 |
Funding | Ministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen |
Contact | Dr. Marcus Handte |
Website | https://www.nes.uni-due.de/projects/atmo2 |