
206 posts

Wireless Sensor Network Application Development Project

Tutor: Dr. Matteo Ceriotti Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been widely deployed in many application domains including environmental monitoring, surveillance, healthcare, automation control and more. A typical WSN consists of a set of low-powered and inexpensive embedded sensor devices with specific sensing modalities and with computation as well as communication […]

Context Recognition Seminar

Tutor: Marcus Handte  Nowadays, most devices are equipped with differnt types of networking technology and a broad spectrum of sensors. Examples include gyroscopes, accelerometers, cameras, and microphones. To provide better task support, future applications will have to use the sensors of multiple devices to determine the state of their environment in an automated fashion. This requires novel software […]

Case Study: Location-based Services

Lecturer: Dr. Marcus Handte This case study covers fundamental concepts related to the development of location-based services from a theoretical and practical perspective. During the first half of the semester, basic models, algorithms, data structures and applications are introduced in a series of lectures with associated programming exercises. During the […]

Sensor Networks

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Exercises: Songwei Fu This lecture describes the fundamental concepts of sensor networks and how they differ from traditional networked systems that do not take energy and resource constraints into account. During the experiments, the students will deal with real-world deployments of sensor networks and […]

Autonomous Navigation for Middle-size Robots Project

Tutor: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Contact: Eduardo Ferrera Nowadays, mobile robots are used in many applications, such as rescue missions, surveillance or people assistance. In these applications, robots usually need to operate in unknown environments, so they need to obtain information with their sensors and take intelligent decisions. In […]

Wireless Sensor Network Application Development Project

Tutor: Dr. Chia-Yen Shih Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been widely deployed in many application domains including environmental monitoring, surveillance, healthcare, automation control and more. A typical WSN consists of a set of low-powered and inexpensive embedded sensor devices with specific sensing modalities and with computation as well as communication […]

Wireless Sensor Network Seminar

Tutor: Matteo Ceriotti This seminar aims at familiarizing students with important research topics in Wireless Sensor Networks. The covered topics include, among others, routing, localization, sensing coverage and communication connectivity, multi-channel communication, sensor networks simulation, radio models, mobility models, sensing modalities, and camera sensor networks. Participants will have to do a […]

Context Recognition Seminar

Tutor: Marcus Handte  Nowadays, most devices are equipped with different types of networking technology and a broad spectrum of sensors. Examples include gyroscopes, accelerometers, cameras, and microphones. To provide better task support, future applications will have to use the sensors of multiple devices to determine the state of their environment in an automated fashion. This requires novel software […]

Pervasive Computing

Lecturer: Dr. Marcus Handte, Exercises: Umer Iqbal This lecture at the Master level covers the fundamentals of past and recent pervasive computing research with a specific focus on the following four areas: System-support and programming abstractions for adaptive distributed applications Recognition, modelling and management aspects of contextual information Privacy and security mechanisms […]

Rechnerstrukturen und Betriebssysteme

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón Übungen: Wiss. Mitarbeiter Kontakt: Falk Brockmann Die Vorlesung ist zweigeteilt. Die Vorlesungsinhalte mit dem Schwerpunkt Rechnerstrukturen werden vom Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Klaus Echtle vermittelt, die Inhalte mit dem Schwerpunkt Betriebssysteme vom Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Pedro Marrón. Folgende Qualifikationen werden in der Vorlesung vermittelt Die Studierenden […]