
161 posts

Dr. Jesús Capitán from the University of Seville visits NES

Dr. Jesús Capitán focuses his research on robotics and artificial intelligence, more concretely, on data fusion and decision-making for multi-robot systems. He has been collaborating with NES to promote different activities in the NES Robotics Lab. First, he has helped establishing our indoor testbed for localizing and navigating drones in […]

PhD passed successfully

Abstract: One of the main goals of the pervasive computing domain is to provide the user with task support for everyday tasks. This task support should be realized by pervasive applications that are seamlessly integrated in the environment for example into embedded, resource-constrained devices such as everyday objects. The interaction […]

PhD passed sucessfully

Abstract: The advancements in the field of mobile computing over the last decade have enabled the scientific community to expedite the theoretical and experimental work to achieve the vision of ubiquitous computing. As ubiquitous computing aims to provide seamless and distraction free task support to its users, one of the […]

EC-SAFEMOBIL project concluded sucessfully

The project focused on the position estimation and control of autonomous systems and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). For more information visit and NES.

Paper accepted at the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments

Paper Details: Ngewi Fet, Marcus Handte, Pedro José Marrón: An Approach for Autonomous Recalibration of Fingerprinting-based Indoor Localization Systems  Abstract: In this paper, we propose an approach to recalibration of indoor localization systems using the system infrastructure for periodically detecting changes in the signal characteristics and autonomously recalibrating the fingerprint […]

SmartKYE Project Completed

Seven partners from three countries – universities, research institutions, and companies – have collaborated for 30 months in this project investigating an advanced integrated system to manage energy efficiency in neighbourhoods from a holistic perspective. Using a federated approach that takes into account that a large number of isolated systems […]

Paper accepted for SIMUTOOLS 2015

Paper details: Robert Sauter, Sascha Jungen, Richard Figura and Pedro José Marrón. Notos: Efficient Emulation of Wireless Sensor Networks with Binary-to-Source Translation. In Proceedings of the 8th EAI International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTOOLS 2015), August 2015. From the abstract: Developing for wireless sensor networks is a challenging task due to the severe […]

GAMBAS Project Completed

Today, we are happy announce the succesful completion of the third and final GAMBAS project review in Madrid. During the review, the members of the GAMBAS consortium presented the work that has been executed during the last year. In addition, the members presented their ongoing and upcoming exploitation activities. The […]

PLANET Final Review, Successful Project Completion

The PLANET project has defined and developed an integrated framework solution for Cooperating Object (CO) deployment and management using autonomous unmanned aerial and ground vehicles. The capability of the PLANET framework covers communication and software/hardware support for user requirement specification and system status visualization, pre-deployment planning, CO deployment using autonomous […]