
161 posts

Best Paper Award at IE 2017

Paper Details: Stephan Wagner, Ngewi Fet, Marcus Handte, Pedro José Marrón: An approach for Hybrid Indoor / Outdoor Navigation Abstract: The wide availability of GPS-enabled devices has fueled the development of location-based applications. Among the most popular are navigation applications that guide users along their way. Due to the limited […]

Paper accepted at the 8th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2017)

Paper details Ngewi Fet, Marcus Handte und Pedro José Marrón: Autonomous Signal Source Displacement Detection and Recalibration of Fingerprinting-based Indoor Localization Systems Abstract: Fingerprinting-based indoor localization systems rely on stable signal distribution characteristics of fixed signal sources for location estimation. However, indoor environments are not static and changes in the […]

Journal accepted in Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS)

Abstract: Multi-robot conflict resolution is a challenging problem, especially in dense environments where many robots must operate safely in a confined space. Centralized solutions do not scale well with the number of robots in dynamic scenarios: a centralized communication can cause bottlenecks and may not be robust enough when channels […]

Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Systems Architecture (Elsevier-JSA).

Paper Details:  Richard Figura, Chia-Yen Shih, Matteo Ceriotti, Songwei Fu, Falk Brockmann, Héctor Nebot, Francisco Alarcón, Andrea Kropp, Konstantin Kondak, Marc Schwarzbach, Antidio Viguria Jiménez, Margarita Mulero-Pázmány, Gianluca Dini, Jesús Capitán, Pedro José Marrón,  Abstract:  To address the heterogeneity and scalability issues of simulating Cooperating Objects (COs) systems, we propose […]

Best Paper Award at WSN 2016

Abstract: Radio signals can be used to detect the presence of a person (target) in an environment by analysing the fluctuations in the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). The velocity of the target can be estimated by examining the sequence of disturbances in consecutive radio links over a period of […]