We are happy to announce that our contribution to the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems (KMIS23) titled “Discovering Potential Founders Based On Academic Backgrounds” by Arman Arzani, Marcus Handte, Matteo Zella, and Pedro José Marrón received this year’s award for the best poster presentation.
A paper is accepted at the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval Title: Challenges in Implementing a University-based Innovation Search Engine Authors: Arman Arzani, Marcus Handte, Pedro José Marrón Abstract: In universities, technology transfer plays an important role in the joint development and dissemination of knowledge as […]
Title: Optimizing PnP-Algorithms for Limited Point Correspondences Using Spatial Constraints Authors: Peter Roch, Bijan Shahbaz Nejad, Marcus Handte and Pedro José Marrón Abstract: Pose Estimation is an important component of many real-world computer vision systems. Most existing pose estimation algorithms need a large number of point correspondences to accurately determine […]
A paper is accepted in the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems Title: Discovering Potential Founders based on Academic Background Authors: Arman Arzani, Marcus Handte, Matteo Zella, Pedro José Marrón Abstract: Technology transfer is central to the development of an iconic entrepreneurial university. Academic science has become […]
A paper is accepted in the 7th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining Title: Exploiting Topic Modelling for the Identification of Untapped Scientific Collaborations Authors: Arman Arzani, Marcus Handte, Matteo Zella, Pedro José Marrón Abstract: Finding potential collaborators has become a challenge due to the growing number of […]
We are happy to announce that our paper got accepted and published at the 10th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys 2022) Title: PROGNOES: Prediction of haRvestable sOlar enerGy based on suN irradiatiOn and wEather conditionS Authors: Sayedsepehr Mosavat, Pedram Golkar, Matteo Zella, Pedro José Marrón […]
Two papers were accepted and published at 17th International Symposium on Visual Computing Title: Enhancing Privacy in Computer Vision Applications: An Emotion Preserving Approach to Obfuscate Faces Authors: Bijan Shahbaz Nejad, Peter Roch, Marcus Handte, Pedro José Marrón Abstract: Computer vision offers many techniques to facilitate the extraction of semantic […]
The team members of NES will be presenting some of their work on data collection, integration and analysis during the Hands-On-Data conference and event. Together with colleagues from LocosLab GmbH, the team members will be covering data-related work from a number of projects including the automatic collection of weather data […]
We are very happy to announce that the students of the master’s project group “SAFER: Smart bAttery-FrEe dooRplates” have won the best project group award of the summer semester of 2022 at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. In this project group, the students developed a system prototype for […]
We are happy to announce the general availablity of the MoWeSta app for the iOS platform. Funded as part of the FAIR project and developed by members of the Networked Embedded Systems group, the MoWeSta service enables users to automatically collect temperature and air pressure data by means of a […]