The source code of the middleware developed by the PECES project has been released. Using generic role assignment, the middleware supports the dynamic formation as well as the secure and trustworthy interaction of smart spaces across the Internet. A detailed description as well as concrete usage examples can be found on the PECES Googlecode website […]
Currently, electricity is mainly generated by a few far-off high-capacity generators. However, due to environmental concerns, electrical energy is increasingly being produced by small scale generators located close to the point-of-use. This decentralized model for energy generation will bring with it many challenges to maintain grid robustness. The NOBEL project […]
The European research project "Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence" (CONET) was reviewed in Brussels in July 2011. This was the third review of this project, conducted by the European Commission and it was very successful. The project partner Technische Universität Berlin has shown a demo of the federated testbed and AICIA from Spain has shown a demo of the integrated […]
The 8th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 2011) will be held in Valencia, Spain on October 17-22. The acceptance rate is 20%. The paper investigates efficient synchronization algorithms to increase the speed and scalability of cycle-accurate wireless sensor network emulation. Paper Abstract: Cycle-accurate emulation […]
Congratulation to our Member Flavio Fabbri who has passed his Phd successfully on May 23rd, 2011. He finalized his doctoral thesis at the University of Bologna, Italy. The title of his thesis is "Environmental Opportunistic Wireless Networks.
The paper "Context-dependent Smart Space Formation in PECES" was presented at the KUVS Fachgespräch "Verteilte Systeme in Smart Spaces" which was held at the first of July at the TU Darmstadt. There, different concepts for the building, configuration and using of Smart Spaces were discussed. Additionally, the term "Smart Space" was […]
On the 28th of June 2011 the "Living ++" project has been initiated with the kickoff meeting in Madrid, Spain. Over the next two years the Living ++ consortium will develop a TV-based platform which empowers elderly people to access several innovative services through an intuitive user interface. Within the […]
Link quality estimation has been an active area of research within the wireless sensor network community. It is now well known that the estimation of reliable links requires few sample packets – less than 10, while the estimation of unreliable links requires many more – above 50. In scenarios where […]
"Selbstheilende vernetzte eingebettete Systeme" (SEVERE) is a joint project between TU Dortmund and two research groups, the Networked Embeddes Systems Group led by Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón and Verteilte Systeme Group led by Prof. Dr-Ing. Torben Weis, at University Duisburg-Essen funded under MERCURE by the Mercator Research Center Ruhr starting […]
The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts and several leading European and national research projects active in the domain of Energy Efficiency, SmartGrids, SmartHouses and SmartCities. It is expected to act as a forum for discussion and exchange of best practices especially with focus on innovative approaches […]